Redemption Press Blog

16: Celebrating Excellence: Redemption Press Authors Sweep the Selah Awards!

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This week we are veering off our regular author spotlight to bring you a special Selah Award’s edition. The Selah Award is one of the most esteemed awards in the Christian publishing industry. We are so thrilled to share that TEN Redemption Press authors won FOURTEEN Selah Awards. Sweeping 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both the Christian Living and Memoir categories.

Episode Highlights: 

Author Spotlight #1: Maureen Miller – Multi-Selah Award Winner

Author Spotlight #2: Carol Chisolm – Breaking the Shadows: How to Embrace Your True Self and Live in the Light of God’s Glory – Memoir of the Year

Order a Copy of Breaking the Shadows

Author Spotlight #3: Cheryl Lutz – Securely Held: Finding Significance and Security in the Shelter of God’s Embrace Christian Living: First Place

Order a Copy of Securely Held

Selah Award Winners:


First place: Securely Held: Finding Significance and Security in the Shelter of God’s Embrace by Cheryl Lutz

Second place: Hard-Pressed but Not Crushed: Embracing the Lessons of Life by Patti Wells Davis

Third place: Raising Respectable Children in a Disrespectful World by Jill Rigby Garner


First place – Memoir of the Year: Breaking the Shadows: How to Embrace Your True Self and Live in the Light of God’s Glory by Carol Chisholm

Second place: Suitcases from Heaven: A Mothers Journey of Hope Through her Daughter-in-law‘s Cancerby Cindy Seaton Henson

Third place: Reckless Yes: Exchanging Worldly Ease for God‘s Eternal Adventure by Johnna Hensley



Third place: Finding God in Suffering Volume One by Carol Mertz Tetzlaff



First Place: Cradle Song by Maureen Miller

Third place: Unless You Turn by Sam Blumenthal



Second place (tie):

Peace by Sarah Cormany

Our Shepherd by Maureen Miller

Third place: Love in a Lunch Box by Maureen Miller



First place: Will You Seek the Face of God During Lent? by Maureen Miller



Third place: Forgiveness Sets Us Free by Maureen Miller

Thank you for listening to this special edition of the Redemption Press Author Spotlight. Join us next week for more conversations with our authors.

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Contact Us: We’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode. Reach out to us at [email protected] with your feedback and questions.

Until next time, remember, your message is our mission!

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