Redemption Press Blog

13: Loving Our Enemies and God’s People

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In this episode of “At This Table,” hosts Carol and Athena dig into 1 Peter 3:8-22, unpacking practical steps to live godly lives amidst challenges. Discover how to cultivate a Christ-centered life through love, compassion, and grace, even towards our enemies. Learn the importance of seeking peace, controlling our speech, and being ready to share the hope within us. Whether you’re facing adversity or striving to deepen your faith, this episode offers profound insights and encouragement to walk boldly in God’s calling.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Living a Godly Life: How to cultivate a life that honors Jesus through love, compassion, and grace.
  2. Responding to Adversity: The importance of repaying evil with blessing and loving our enemies.
  3. Practical Steps for Godly Living: Actions such as controlling our speech, seeking peace, and being ready to defend our faith.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Loving God’s People and Our Enemies: We’re called to show compassion, grace, and love to God’s people and even those who oppose us.
  1. Pursuing Goodness and Peace: We must refrain from evil speech, seek peace diligently, and live a life marked by righteousness.
  2. Being Prepared to Share Our Hope: Always be ready to give an account for the hope within us, especially in times of suffering, as it is in these moments that our faith shines the brightest.


In today’s episode, we explored Peter’s guidance on living godly lives as outlined in First Peter 3:8-22. We discussed the importance of loving both God’s people and our enemies, pursuing goodness and peace, and being always prepared to share the hope we have in Christ. Despite the suffering we might face, we are encouraged to live a life that reflects God’s calling, knowing that He is good and sovereign. Let us commit to living out our faith boldly and faithfully, responding to adversity with grace and compassion.

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We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or testimonies by contacting us through our website or social media channels. Your feedback not only enriches our community but also helps shape future episodes.

Tune in to next week’s episode where we’ll continue our journey through First Peter. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform to stay updated on our latest episodes.

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