Redemption Press Blog

She Writes For Him: ROAR Conference Recap

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On today’s episode, She Writes for Him

Today we recap the ROAR conference giving glory to God! We have Kennita Williams, Shelly Brown, Christina Custodio, Carol Tetzlaff, and Micah Juntunen who cover different perspectives from the conference. Overall, be boldened like a lion and declare all He does. As women of God you have a message, there are possibilities for you! Ultimately, spread His word, impact, and walk with Him in obedience.

Key Ideas:

  • Tools you can share!
  • Do what God calls you to do!
  • Clarity to see what God wants you to focus on!

Carol Tetzlaff:

“Use the gifts you’ve been given!”

All Things Podcast, She Writes For Him: ROAR Conference Recap

Eddie Melson:

“Remember it’s not about you, it’s about what God wants to say through you. I want to be a light in a very dark world as long as I can be.”

All Things Podcast, She Writes For Him: ROAR Conference Recap


Women’s conference. Growing God’s kingdom. What does God calls you to do? The importance of having an impact on earth!

Listen to the Episode

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