For Former WinePress Authors
[quote author = "Athena Dean" position = "Co-Founder/Publisher"]
We are building Redemption Press on a legacy of quality and excellence, yet with a new model of independent publishing. My former company, WinePress Publishing, which my then husband and I founded in 1991, was started to help Christian authors publish professionally and affordably. Through wrong leadership that I initially allowed, it morphed into something far different than its original intent before closing its doors.
While many were shocked and devastated by the sudden closure of WinePress, scores of authors have found their way back into publication and distribution. My prayer is that God will continue to use this for good.
We at Redemption Press would welcome the opportunity to be a part of the solution in this unfortunate situation. We are available to assist you in getting your books back into print. We plan to re-earn your confidence and trust … and keep it.
In Him,
If you are a former WinePress author, we’d like to help.
If you would like your author files, just let us know. We will return them to you at NO CHARGE via an online file transfer service. Redemption Press has legally obtained these files from the landlord who seized WinePress property (including the servers and a backup copy of all author files) due to non-payment of rent for more than a year. The landlord transferred these files to Redemption Press to facilitate their return to former WinePress authors when the company announced its closing on the website.
Redemption Press is also offering a deeply discounted rate to WinePress POD (print on demand) authors to assign a new ISBN and make the necessary revisions to get your book back in print. This service is only available for books with current print files, and we’re offering two options designed to best fit your needs, as well as two options for eBook conversion or revision and redistribution.
Call our offices for more information 844-2REDEEM.