Redemption Press Blog

What Happens When You Send Us Your Manuscript?

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Be safe online

I must admit, the fact that we ask you to send your manuscript in (before we tell you how much it will cost to publish with us) could be a scary thing. After all, there are some people out there who might steal your idea and leave you in the dust.

Even in the Christian publishing industry, I’ve heard of authors who’ve pitched their idea to an editor at a writers’ conference and been rejected, only to find out later that the royalty publisher hired an in-house writer to create a similar manuscript.

So I can’t blame you if you’re a bit nervous to send us your manuscript.

First, let me say this. In a normal publishing process, we don’t send the book to the Library of Congress for a formal copyright until it’s been edited, formatted, and published. Because of this fact, I often suggest another safeguard to utilize in the early stages of publication. Print off a copy of your manuscript, and send it to yourself through regular mail, return receipt requested. Then don’t open it. Just file it away. I’ve always heard these steps were called “The Poor Man’s Copyright.” It proves you are the author and own the intellectual rights to the material.

Another safeguard would be to request that we sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before you send the manuscript over. We would be happy to do so in order to build the trust between us as potential publishing partners.

The last point I want to make is I believe a huge factor in why Redemption Press is unique. We don’t offer “one size fits all” packages that allow you to sign up for our services without us reviewing your manuscript first. That seems to be the model with all the other self-publishers, and we just don’t feel this method of publishing offers the education and solutions you really need.

While offering packages is a quicker way for authors to click a button and buy, we are committed to offering only the services you will benefit from. All authors are different, with varying gifts, talents, messages, genres, and needs. Our process results in a lot of time spent in advance to determine how to best serve you, but we feel that the up-front investment is worth it.

So, to demystify the initial reviewing and determination process, here are the steps you can expect:

  1. You upload the Word document containing your manuscript, (you may choose to password protect the file and we’ll call you for the password).
  2. Our editorial staff reviews the manuscript to determine the best level of editing needed.
  3. We schedule a time for you and either myself or someone else on my team to meet by phone or Skype to discover the type of coaching you would benefit most from, and your goals for the book.
  4. After all the information is gathered, we have team meetings to discuss the most effective publishing and promotions pathway.
  5. Then we are committed to providing you with a proposal that is custom, unique, and tailored for you and your message.
  6. Once you’ve reviewed the proposal and we’ve answered all your questions, the manuscript is either forwarded on to production or deleted from our files.

You never have to worry about whether it is safe or not. We consider it a privilege that you’ve trusted us enough to share your message with us, and we protect the intellectual property to the highest standards in the industry.

We’d love to help you take the next step towards seeing your message in print, as the Lord leads, and make sure your content is safe in the process!

Click here to upload your manuscript and tell us a little more about yourself!


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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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