Redemption Press Blog

“The Revved Life” Launches at Number One Hot New Release on Amazon

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So proud to announce Redemption Press Father’s Day release, “The Revved Life” by Pastor Jeff Knight, hits #1 on Amazon Hot New Releases!

From the Pits to the Podium, The Revved Life is a story of struggle, breakthrough, faith, and God’s provision and promises. It is a journey that has taken a lifetime to travel. It is beautifully raw and inspiring and speaks to the leader and Christian inside each of us. Jeff Knight reveals the challenges he has had to face through tragedy and from atop the mountain. Why would anyone leave the safety of his church and pulpit to reach those who are far from God? Knight answers this question and leaves the reader saying, “Yes, that’s the life I want to lead, The Revved Life!”

The Revved Life cover

“Eye-opening. Inspirational. We are in for a life-changing ride. Highly recommended!” -Dr. K. Kallenbach

Check out “The Revved Life” by Jeff Knight in our store now!

Jeff Knight and his wife, Melinda, are the lead pastors of The Rock Church, in Monroe, Washington. But pastoral ministry is Jeff’s day job. His other job and passion in life is NASCAR racing. Jeff and Melinda became lead pastors of The Rock Church in 2000, when his parents Joe and Linda Knight were tragically killed in a plane crash while returning from a missionary trip to Mexico.

"The Revved Life" back cover

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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