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“The Power of Representation” on Publishing Today Radio

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This Saturday’s (May 16) episode of Publishing Today Radio is “The Power of Representation.” Do you need an agent to become a published author? Show synopsis and listen below:

The Power of Representation

May 16, 2015
Hosted by Athena Dean Holtz

Episode Description

Do you need an agent to become a published author? Is the only door into a traditional publisher through an agent? What is the role of an agent, and how important is it? These are some of the questions we’ll be answering on the next episode of “Publishing Today: Clear Direction for a Changing Industry.” Join Athena Dean Holtz and her guests to discuss “The Power of Representation” and find out the inside scoop on literary agents from some of the best in the business. Over the last 25 years, the Christian publishing industry has changed their acquisitions model dramatically. Gone are the days of “slush piles” of hundreds and sometimes thousands of unsolicited manuscripts where in house readers and editors reviewed the work of potential authors and responded to 90+ percent of the submissions with a rejection letter. Today in the publishing industry, agents play a vital role in the traditional publishing process. Listen in and discover the power of representation!

Guest Information

Steve Laube

President and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, Steve is a 33 year veteran of the bookselling industry. He began his career in the bookselling arena and his store in Phoenix was named the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) store of the year in 1989. He then spent 11 years with Bethany House Publishers rising to the position of an editorial director. In 2002 he was named the AWSA Golden Scroll Editor of the Year. The next year he became a literary agent and in 2004 formed The Steve Laube Agency. In 2009 he was named the ACFW Agent of the Year. In 2013 he was inducted into the Grand Canyon University Hall-of-Fame by their College of Theology. Steve has very eclectic interests. He has represented everything from the sweet romance to systematic theology. His clients are equally divided between fiction and non-fiction writers.

Joyce Hart

Joyce has been a literary agent since 1992. She was formerly the vice president of marketing at Whitaker House Publishing and as the president of Hartline Literary Agency has over thirty five years of successful experience marketing and promoting books. Joyce has been a pioneer in selling high quality fiction to the inspirational market and has built an excellent rapport with leading inspirational publishers. A member of ACFW, Joyce is a graduate of Open Bible College, Des Moines, IA now merged with New Hope College in Eugene, Oregon. Joyce is based at Hartline Literary’s Pittsburgh headquarters.

Chip MacGregor

Chip has a comprehensive knowledge of the industry—from book development to writing, acquisition to production, marketing to sales. He has secured nearly 1,000 book deals for authors with all of the major publishers, has worked with bestselling authors such as Kay Arthur, Chuck Swindoll, and David Jeremiah. He has also written more than two-dozen titles, including two books that hit #1 on the bestseller lists in their category. As a longtime agent he has represented Brennan Manning, Jill and Stuart Briscoe, and the MOPS organization, just to name a few. After starting his own agency he has represented many books on all the national bestseller lists, and the authors he represents have won numerous national awards. A popular writer’s conference speaker, Chip has been written up in numerous publications and is frequently asked for his opinions on trends in publishing, and his blog is listed on Writers Digest’s “101 Best Websites for Writers.”

Click here for more info to access this episode.

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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