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“The Power of Connection” LIVE on Publishing Today Radio

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Live on this Saturday’s (May 9) episode of Publishing Today Radio with Athena Dean Holtz is “The Power of Connection.”

Show synopsis:
The power of connection is crucial if you really want to grow in your craft. Writing is a lonely business. Putting words on paper (or into your laptop) takes concentration and quiet. Coming together with other writers, authors, and professionals in the publishing industry is anything but quiet, but it’s necessary. Learning from others who’ve been successful in their publishing journey, sitting down with an agent, editor, or publisher, having a meal with a fellow aspiring author and encouraging one another … these are life changing moments sure to help you learn the necessary steps for you to accomplish all that God intends for your writing career. During this episode of Publishing Today, we’ll be discussing the power of connection with three women who lead some of the most influential Christian writers conferences in the country.

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Meet the Guests

Mona Hodgson on Publishing Today RadioMona Hodgson – Mona Hodgson is the author of nearly 40 books, historical novels and novellas for adults and children’s books, including her popular Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Series, The Quilted Heart novellas, and Prairie Song. Her children’s books include bestseller, Bedtime in the Southwest, Real Girls of the Bible: A 31-Day Devotional. six desert and princess Zonderkidz I Can Read books, six I Wonder books, and more.

Mona’s writing credits also include several hundred articles, poems and short stories, which have appeared in 50 different publications.

Mona is a speaker for women’s groups, book clubs and reading groups, schools, and conferences for writers and librarians. And director of the Mount Hermon Christian Writers’ Conference in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California.


Lin Johnson on Publishing Today RadioLin Johnson – LIN JOHNSON is Managing Editor of The Christian Communicator, Advanced Christian Writer and Church Libraries and is the author and co-author of more than 60 books, including Christian Education: Foundations for the Future, Extracting the Precious from 2nd Corinthians, Encouraging Others, and The Book of John from The Smart Guide to the Bible Series.

Lin specializes in Bible curriculum and is a Gold Medallion Book Award recipient. She also directs the Write-to-Publish Conference in the Chicago area and teaches at writers’ conferences across the country and internationally


Diana Savage on Publishing Today RadioDiana Savage – Diana has written or contributed to 11 books, including two Chicken Soup for the Soul volumes, and has published hundreds of articles, devotions, blogs, and columns.

As principal of Savage Creative Services, LLC, Diana provides professional writing, editing, and speaking services. Her work includes editing manuscripts for individuals and publishing houses, producing ad copy for small businesses, writing grant applications for nonprofits, ghostwriting for clients, and serving as webmaster for several authors.

She speaks at a variety of venues in the US and abroad and serves annually as guest professor in the Professional Writing Program at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, and directs the annual Northwest Christian Writers Renewal conference near Seattle.


Click here for more info to access this episode.

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