Redemption Press Blog

Redemption Press – Proud to Partner with the Christian Communicators Conference

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Redemption Press Sponsors the 2019 Christian Communicators Conference – Anointed and Appointed!

I love how God works! I’ve been on faculty with Vonda Skelton, co-founder of the Christian Communicators Conference, so when the 2019 event popped up in a search online, I checked it out.

Since the number one way to sell books is to have an effective speaking ministry, it occurred to me that this might be a conference we should promote and sponsor, if God would open that door. Little did I know at the time that one of our best-selling authors, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, is a product of this excellent ministry!

I sent over a message to the new leadership team, Sherry Poundstone, Lori Boruff, and Tammy Whitehurst, to inquire about the possibility. The response I received was such an encouragement! “We have discussed sponsors in the past and felt we should turn them down. But when I saw that you’d sponsored the Women of Joy Tour, I was intrigued!” Tammy Whitehurst shared. A full-time speaker and founder of Joy for the Journey Ministries, Tammy expressed the importance of integrity and protecting their brand (and their attendees!).

“When I clicked over to the Women of Joy website and saw that Redemption Press was listed as a sponsor there, I was incredibly impressed. That spoke volumes to me, and our team would definitely like to discuss the possibilities with you.”

Since that time, we’ve shared our vision and realized we are a great fit for one another and can bring value to each other’s ministries, so I am excited to share this amazing event with you!

Have you felt a call to begin or expand your speaking ministry, but feel like you need help honing your craft and learning the ins and outs of the business of speaking?

Coming up on March 18–21, 2019, at The Hideaway Inn & Conference Center in Colorado Springs, the Anointed & Appointed Speaker Summit will convene to equip and empower you to take your speaking ministry to the next level. You’ll have the opportunity to fellowship with like-minded women and support each other as you follow this leading of the Lord.

The leadership team’s mission is to create an unforgettable, mountaintop experience at a premier location to provide exceptional training for women pursuing their calling to speak.

You are anointed and appointed for such a time as this. Limited class size offers personal attention for maximum results. Beginner or seasoned speakers find value, clarity, and fresh ideas to apply and create successful speaking ministries.

I will personally be at the summit for two days to meet with conferees about publishing in one-on-one appointments and will lead a 45-minute workshop. I’d love to meet you there!


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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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