About The Book
Whether you’ve spent your life in church or are a curious observer of the Christian faith, you can’t help but wonder. Is God good, and can I trust him? Can I trust the Bible? How am I supposed to read this ancient book of confusing stories? Does the God of the Bible actually make a difference in my here-and-now life?
The Bible tells a story—and it may be one you haven’t considered. It is the story of God and humans in an unexpected relationship of faithfulness and love. It’s about people who fail and about the God who pursues them with his unrelenting covenant love. And it concludes with a miracle plot twist so astonishing, it changes everything.
Written with beautiful prose, The Covenant Story is a breathtaking picture of the covenant relationship we all can share with the faithful God who loves us, who never ceases to be for us, and who has promised to never abandon us. This is The Covenant Story—and it is the story we are invited to enter.
About The Author
Sonya Leigh Anderson
Sonya is a writer and speaker with a background in education and church ministry. She fell in love with Jesus at a Bible camp when she was 12, and was transformed by God’s “hesed” miracle when she was in her 30’s.
Sonya is married to Kyle, and together they are parents to five young adult sons, and grandparents to three precious little ones—including a girl! Sonya started blogging in 2014, telling “BoyMom” stories of faith, family and adoption. She now posts weekly at Seeking God Through Story.
Passionate about the story of the Bible, Sonya has been a teacher for all ages, in many settings. Favorite activities include running, hiking, and worshipping with her music pastor sons. She loves being outdoors, and lives with Kyle on a lake near Princeton, Minnesota.
Sonya started writing The Covenant Story a decade ago as a gift to her sons.

Quotes from... The Covenant Story: Trusting the Love of a Faithful God
A covenant is a promise—but not just any promise. A covenant is a promise of life or death. It is my life for yours. If I break my oath, I’ll give you my life. Until death do us part. I will die for my covenant promise.
The Bible is a covenant story. From beginning to end, we follow this promise. A promise of love that fights to the death.
This steadfast love—this hesed—is God’s unquenchable determination to preserve the very heart of his purpose. Hesed is God’s passion, his perseverance, his persistence. Hesed is immovable. It is steadfast. Hesed is covenant love.
I had grown up on the law. I understood the gravity of disobedience. I longed to be good. But always I was haunted by this thought. What if I couldn’t do it? What if I wasn’t good enough? What if I failed?
Jesus offered himself for us. He knew who we would be—our struggles, our choices, our thoughts, our actions. He knew we could never enter the new covenant life by our own strength, in our own goodness. But he is for us. He offers us his Spirit. He offers to fill us to overflowing with his life. He wants to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. He wants to be our perfect covenant partner.
Rave Reviews for... The Covenant Story: Trusting the Love of a Faithful God
“With both tenderness and rich insight, Sonya Anderson retells the greatest love story ever—the story of God’s faithful love for his people. I’ve known this story from my childhood but found myself deeply stirred and deeply grateful on hearing it once again. Read this book and let it do that for you.”
- Pastor Mike Bullmore, Crossway Community Church, Bristol, WI