
Secret Letters from God’s Heart: A Study of Love, Grace, and Healing for the Fearful Heart


About The Book

God loves you for you, the princess he’s called you to be.

Our society expects women to be aggressive, resilient, successful, and fearless. But being the perfect mom, wife, student, and godly woman seems impossible—and required at the same time. Falling short feels like failure and asking for help labels us weak. No wonder we hide our pain and mistakes.

Do you yearn to be loved, valued, accepted, healed, peaceful, joyful? Secret Letters from God’s Heart: A Study of Love, Grace, and Healing for the Fearful invites you into spiritual intimacy with the Father who created you and loves you deeply, in spite of your painful and imperfect past.

If you’re plagued by brokenness, this interactive “love letter” style devotional offers life-giving truths to transform your heart. Scriptures, prayers, questions, and journaling space encourage you to reflect and grow, while uplifting song suggestions point you to a journey of healing and worship.

Say goodbye to negative thoughts and self-destructive beliefs. Sit with the Father who created you to be his princess and bask in his abundant and everlasting love for you.

About The Author

Melissa Jo Croucher

Melissa Croucher is God’s princess. Her Father’s faithfulness throughout her life has compelled her to show women how they can experience their own transformational healing and live in the freedom of who they are in Christ. Melissa enjoys loving her grandchildren, horseback riding, and DIY projects. She and her husband of twenty-three years have three grown children, Alijah, Cameron, and Jenna, and several grandblessings. They live in rural southern Indiana with their horses.


Quotes from... Secret Letters from God’s Heart: A Study of Love, Grace, and Healing for the Fearful Heart

Despite our differences, women of all ages, socioeconomic statuses, races, and backgrounds require the same essential needs—to be loved, valued, accepted, healed, peaceful, vindicated, joyful.


I [God] am an eternal waterfall that never runs dry, always falling for you, loving you, showering you with my mercy, grace, and forgiveness.


You are worth loving.

My Cherished Daughter, I’m the Creator of the universe and the God who fervently pursues you to love and bless you.


No failure, event, circumstance, abuse, feelings, or anything else you can conceive is able to remove your position as a child of God—a princess of the King.


Your sin didn’t hold Jesus to the cross, his great love for you did.

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