Guy R. Powell


The Only Witness: A History of the Shroud of Turin


About The Book

As he frantically searches the clothmakers of Jerusalem for a burial cloth, Joachim senses the gravity of his mission. When he finds a light-colored, herringbone weave—not quite the fine linen his father requested but given the day’s impending events his father had no other choice. Joachim’s father hurries to Golgotha with the cloth to meet up with Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. The cloth is used for the unthinkable—to wrap the crucified body of Jesus Christ. But three days later, the tomb is empty and the burial shroud is left, indelibly imprinted with the image of Jesus and covered with the blood from His wounds. What happens next to the shroud?

Known today as the Shroud of Turin, the cloth is believed by some to be the most valuable Christian relic in existence; by others to be a medieval fake. In The Only Witness, author and Shroud expert Guy R. Powell uses facts and hypotheses to tell a compelling, fictional—yet plausible—story of the Shroud’s history.

You’ll be captivated by this intriguing account of the Shroud’s miraculous survival from harm and destruction despite wars, crusades, floods, and fires. Follow its journey from Golgotha in Jerusalem to its final resting place in Turin, Italy, where it has been housed since 1578. Four hundred years later, in 1978, extensive scientific study began in order to prove or disprove its authenticity. Discover for yourself the mystery of the Shroud and determine if you think it is, indeed, the witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

About The Author

Guy R. Powell

Guy R. Powell is an author, marketer, part-time historian, and respected Shroud expert and speaker. He is president of marketing company ProRelevant and author of five business books, with his most recent book achieving a number one ranking among Amazon’s international bestsellers in four categories. The Only Witness is Powell’s first fiction work and brings to life a compelling possible, yet plausible, story of the Shroud of Turin and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Guy lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Karen. He has three children.


Quotes from... The Only Witness: A History of the Shroud of Turin

Each man present would have given his life to save this relic.

You can’t see faith, but you know it’s there.

His love for you is unbounded.

This is an image of God’s love as well as of human sin.

It attests to the tremendous human capacity for causing pain and death to one’s fellow man and stands as an icon of suffering of the innocent in every age.

This is something we must protect and cherish for all eternity.

It was the witness to the moment of resurrection.

The distorted feet, the bloodied wrists, the pierced rib, the distended shoulders, blood on the head and the disfigured face each gave witness to the suffering Christ endured for all mankind. 

There will always be believers of the Shroud regardless of the science, and there will always be disbelievers regardless of the science.

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