
Faith Unhindered: Finding the Freedom to Trust God Completely


About The Book

Sometimes during the upheavals of life, it feels as if there’s nothing to help you through your hardships, and the what-ifs and why-nots can hinder your faith. Pastor’s wife Debbie Ashley knows right where you are—she’s been there. Using her personal story as an example, she walks you through how to fully trust God during the most difficult times.

After Debbie became a wife and mom, she wanted to maintain the carefree family life of her childhood—and then her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Overcome by the major readjustment in their lives, she grappled to find a faith that worked. But her spiritual well was dry. Where was God when these challenging things happened, and why didn’t He stop them?

Her Bible study Faith Unhindered: Finding the Freedom to Trust God Completely identifies eight specific life experiences that can cause women to stop believing God will help them:

· disappointment

· distraction

· the past

· fear

· loss

· rejection

· criticism

· bitterness

Each chapter explores a woman in the Bible who experienced that same emotional challenge and then considers how she replenished her spiritual well, paving the way to understanding, acceptance, and application. With tools designed to strengthen women’s faith in God, this book includes study questions and journaling responses to document the discovery journey. A leader’s guide is available to facilitate small group discussion.

Don’t let your faith be hindered by life’s trials. Begin your spiritual trek today toward a refreshing wellspring of faith in God.

About The Author

Debbie Ashley

Author Debbie Ashley loves to learn and to teach and ultimately lives to make a difference—because so many have made a difference in her own life. A pastor’s wife for over thirty years, she loves to help equip women with faith tools for their spiritual journey. She and her husband, Mark, have been married for thirty-five years, and they have three adult children. Debbie and Mark live in northeast Ohio, where they serve in local church ministry. Learn more about living unhindered faith at

Debbie Ashley

Quotes from... Faith Unhindered: Finding the Freedom to Trust God Completely

Devastating life experiences can make us feel like we are sifting through the smoldering rubble of what our life once was, trying to find anything of value.

When we face the fact that we have nothing left, we have a choice to make.

We can shove our faith away…leaving a gaping hole in our hearts. Or we can hold on to what is more important—our faith in God.

At the end of the day, Jesus doesn’t count how many guests you had over for dinner, how many diapers you changed, or how many emails you answered at the office.

Waves of grief had been drowning the voice in her own soul for weeks. But today—this one horribly miserable day—her grief suddenly disappeared in the undertow of a massive wave of anger.

Faith unhindered becomes a reality when I recognize the hindrances that prevent me from believing God.

It’s not as though Hannah hadn’t prayed about it. Of course she had. She knew God was the source of life and the giver of all good gifts from above. But still…

You can’t think straight, let alone concentrate on the important stuff. When will the whirlwind slow down?

You have worked hard to get where you are in life … and you still feel like you’re losing.

Only the charred cavern of the former basement remained. The gaping hole in the ground seemed to echo the gaping hole in our hearts from this terrible loss.

The God who sees was opening Hagar’s eyes to see a well nearby, providing lifesaving water for her son.

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