Becoming an Intentional Family - Creating Meaningful Memories and Building Confidence in Your Kids

Becoming an Intentional Family: Creating Meaningful Memories And Building Confidence In Your Kids


About The Book

Every child wants to be seen, known, and accepted for who they are. As parents, it’s our privilege to help our kids know they are valued and loved. Becoming an Intentional Family is a practical resource for creating a home where children feel that sense of security and belonging.

Anastasia Corbin says a family also functions as a “mini-church. “We are here to serve one another, encourage each other in our walks with the Lord, and serve together. The purpose of gathering our family is to build each other up and point us toward Jesus. What a beautiful way to represent Christ to this world.”

Designed to encourage, inspire, and equip Christian parents, Becoming an Intentional Family explores these five areas: family, marriage, parenting, home, and outreach with the goal of building a strong bond so children feel loved and valued.

This book is a valuable guide that will help parents become intentional in successfully raising their children, and giving them the gift of time and attention that result in lasting and meaningful memories and strong relationships.

About The Author

Anastasia Corbin

Anastasia Corbin loves to encourage women to live a life anchored in Jesus. She is also passionate about sharing God's Word. Anastasia manages the home while blogging and providing resources that encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and themselves.

The author of Becoming an Intentional Family and co-author of When the Bases are Loaded: Encouragement for Moms to Hit a Grand Slam in Life lives in northern Indiana with her husband Jonathan and their four children.

When she is not writing, Anastasia enjoys digging into God’s Word, singing on the Worship Team, and reading while sipping on coffee. If she had a day to herself, you would find her on the beach reading a book.

Anastasia Corbin
Anastasia Corbin

Quotes from... Becoming an Intentional Family

The world around us is constantly on the move and filled with lots of noise. Our homes can tend to be that way too, especially when everyone is around. But we can intentionally quiet the noise.

Our children are a gift from God. It may not always feel that way. In those moments, we need to ask God to help us enjoy our children. God promises to supply all our needs. So, He will give us eyes to see our children the way He does.

The journey to becoming an intentional family is not meant for us alone. We become an intentional family so we can be on mission to reflect God and bless everyone we come in contact with.

Social media is full of ways to celebrate. Often, we compare ourselves to other moms. We wonder why we can’t seem to do all the fun things. I encourage you to choose activities that work well for the season you’re in. If you can do one thing well, you’ve made a difference for your children. Don’t try to do it all. Your presence in your kids’ lives is more important than what you do.

In today’s world, we can appear connected with many “friends” on social media. But often, we’re not connected to the people right in front of us. Don’t get me wrong. I love cellphones and think they’re a great tool. But, when families use them in place of true connection, I feel sad. I long for families to gather and connect.

Each individual family is intended to function as a mini church. We are here to serve one another, encourage each other in our walks with the Lord, and serve together. The purpose of gathering our family is to build each other up and point us toward Jesus. What a beautiful way to represent Christ to this world.

If our home is filled with anger and frustration, our kids will feel insecure and will act that way. If your home is filled with joy, your kids will grow in confidence and bring joy wherever they go.

I know it’s hard to let go of the things that weigh us down. We might need to give up unrealistic expectations of ourselves or someone else’s expectations of us. With God’s strength, you can become the intentional parent God has called you to be.

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