
God Whispers: Lessons from the Heart of a Loving Heavenly Father, A One-Year Devotional, Vol. 1 of 2


About The Book

Do you long to grow in your relationship with God and hear from him more clearly?

Through Volume 1 of this 365-day-plus-one inspirational devotional written in first person, you will be escorted into a deeper understanding of God’s love for you. In these daily messages spanning day 1 to day 182, or January 1 to June 30, it’s as if God takes you by the hand and shows you his heart for you. Uplifting daily messages and inspiring Scriptures will help you:


  • Grow to trust God more than ever before
  • Experience his presence more consistently
  • Know who you are in Christ
  • Realize your unimaginable access to God your heavenly Father
  • Mature in your prayer life 
  • Build his Word into your mind and heart.


Rich in Scripture and utilizing over twenty translations and versions, this personalized devotional will guide you to the grace of God and his extraordinary love for you.


Love and trust are intricately related. It will not be hard to trust me when you know my love for you. Your confidence in me will naturally grow as your knowledge of my love for you grows.

About The Author

R. William Falk

R. William Falk has a seminary master’s degree, summa cum laude, in biblical and theological studies and has been active in Bible studies and fellowships since the mid-1970s.

Quotes from... God Whispers: Lessons from the Heart of a Loving Heavenly Father, A One-Year Devotional, Vol. 1 of 2

A wasted day is not a day with no work accomplished; a wasted day is one in which no time was spent with me.

Don’t compare yourself to others because I have not called you to be someone else.

Your authority in the name of Jesus Christ is greater than the power available through the rod of Moses.

You don’t need to understand everything to trust me. Understanding is not a prerequisite for believing. Anyone can trust when they understand. Trusting anyway, even when you don’t understand, takes greater conviction and confidence.

Only through the finished work of Jesus can you understand my Word in its fullness. Jesus is the interpretive key that unlocks my written Word for you.

Faith, believing, and trust should be the automatic outcome after you’ve come to me in prayer—like breathing out is the natural response to breathing in.

Your fellowship with me is what I desire even more than your service to me.

Under the old covenant, people received according to their actions. Under the new covenant, people receive according to Jesus’ actions, by faith.

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