
Karen Black Mercer

For fifty-four years, Karen Black Mercer has been a warrior against abortion, starting in the late sixties to prevent abortion on demand. She has worked with crisis pregnancy centers, done post-abortion counseling, and joined Operation Rescue. Shes been pushed, spit on, handcuffed, beaten, injured by nunchucks, shackled, arrested twenty-four times, and received a mafia death threat. Her compassionate woman-centered approach to encouraging women to choose life over abortion has resulted in over nine thousand women choosing life and has earned her national recognition as “The Billy Graham of Sidewalk Counseling.” She has also earned the Power of One award from the Georgia Family Council. Karen holds a doctorate in clinical Christian counseling (PhD). In addition to her two children, she has a stepdaughter and total of ten grandchildren. She lives in the Midwest with her husband, Steve.