Redemption Press Blog

BONUS: Lessons from Lad by Christine Nicole Ferris

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Welcome to this week’s Author Spotlight sponsored by Redemption Press. Each week, we feature one of our Redemption Press authors, where we shine a light on their book, share their journeys, and unearth the profound messages within their works.

Today’s episode features Christine Nicole Ferris, author of Lessons from Lad.

Episode Highlights:

  • Overview: Christine shares how her journey with her beloved rough collie, Lad, began as a long-held dream that finally came true over twenty-five years later. Lad brought immense joy and love into her life, but his sudden loss after fourteen unforgettable months left Christine grappling with profound grief. Through this heartbreak, she discovered “Lad lessons”—invaluable truths that life with Lad had taught her.

In her book, Christine shares fifty-two poignant lessons that Lad left on her heart. These lessons, born out of both joy and sorrow, offer practical wisdom and heartfelt insight into life’s many facets. From the importance of keeping your paws clean and telling yourself no, to treasuring today and embracing discipline, you’ll most certainly find Christine’s wise reflections both touching and transformative.

  • For Whom: While all audiences will most certainly enjoy the wise life insights in Lessons from Lad, animal lovers and those who have experienced an unexpected loss in their life will be particularly impacted and encouraged by this book.
  • Where to Buy: Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Thank you for listening to the Redemption Press Author Spotlight. Join us next week for another conversation with one of our authors.

If you have a book idea, and you’d like to speak with someone about getting your message out to the world,
click here to schedule a free consultation.

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Contact Us: We’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode. Reach out to us at [email protected] with your feedback and questions.

Until next time, remember, your message is our mission!

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