Publishing Services Agreement Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 05/02/2024

Terms and Conditions

Redemption Press reserves the right to change or revise the terms and conditions in this agreement at any time by posting changes or a revised agreement on our website at this location:

Author Manuscript Submission and Right to Ownership

The author agrees to deliver to Redemption Press a complete and final manuscript within 365 days of establishing this agreement. If the author is working with our editorial team to create the manuscript, it must be completed within the same time frame unless otherwise agreed upon. The author grants Redemption Press limited, nonexclusive rights to print the Work and to establish distribution for the Work. This includes the right to promote and sell the Work on behalf of the Author through channels such as Amazon, or others currently described in the publishing bundle purchased. Redemption Press acquires no right of ownership to the Work under this agreement and the Author shall own full and complete copyright of the Work.

Term and Termination

The author may enter into another publishing agreement for this Work at any time. The author may terminate this agreement at any time in writing (See "Notices" below). For terminated agreements, Redemption Press may offer partial credits or refunds of uncompleted work paid by the Author. No refunds for outside service providers, such as book launch coaching, YouTube channel set-up, author coaching, and social media services, will be offered but may be considered for a reallocation of services. 

Refunds will be considered for uncompleted work based on a percentage as follows.

75% credit or refund if terminated in 30 days or less
65% credit or refund if terminated between 31 and 60 days
50% between 61 and 100 days

No credit or refund after 100 days. In the event Author does not approve and authorize completion of the Work within one year of the date of this agreement, the agreement shall become null and void unless an extension is agreed to by both parties in writing. Redemption Press shall notify the author in writing of such termination 30 days prior, upon which the author shall have 30 days to authorize completion of the work.

Redemption Press will work with the Author to develop an estimate of options for completing the Work using the current Price List. Once the manuscript is submitted, there may be adjustments to the pricing based on word and/or page count fluctuations. Estimates on book pricing are not guaranteed as they are determined by the printing pricing in effect at the time. Accepted estimates will be honored for one year provided there is no excessive delay (generally six months) in which there is little to no work being accomplished. In this event, the estimate will be closed. A new estimate will be created to finish the remaining work at the current pricing. Any extensions must be agreed upon by both parties and estimates will be adjusted for any price changes for incomplete work.

Redemption Press Reservation

Redemption Press reserves the right to terminate at any time, before or after submission of materials, or assign an alternate imprint to Works at its sole discretion. Redemption Press will not publish Works which it determines, at its sole discretion, infringe on the copyright of another. Should Redemption Press cancel this agreement on these grounds, the Author may qualify to receive a partial refund of fees for work not yet completed minus the $399 Consultation/Review Fee if their work has not yet entered Production (including Editorial). There shall be no refund for Works that have entered Editing, Production, or have been published and found to contain material that violates the copyright of another, or other material deemed to be in violation of applicable laws or Redemption Press standards. In lieu of termination, Redemption Press may assign the Work to an alternate imprint. Works assigned to alternate imprints will not be marketed or promoted under the Redemption Press name and/or logo.

Project Completion Standards

The author understands the publisher will do their best to keep the project on track within the estimated time frames. This includes guiding the author to reasonable time frames for their pieces of work within the project. In the case where unforeseen circumstances arise and the author still wants the project on a certain date, that will require the project to be moved forward faster than the average time frame, rush fees may apply.

Industry-wide supply shortages and delays in printing have forced us to create revised timelines. Our publication date policy will align more accurately with the current industry standards. In light of this, we can only provide a publication date to the author once the typeset file has been approved and is ready for proofreading.

The author agrees to do their work on the project in reasonable timeframes and stay in communication with their project manager. Projects that go without communication for more than 90 days will be placed on hold by the project manager. Projects with no forward movement for over 365 days will need to be renegotiated with the acquisitions team unless another agreement has been reached.

I understand the terms and project completion standards.

Content and Author Standards

The publisher provides and maintains high standards of quality and evangelical Christian theology. By entering into this Agreement, the Author acknowledges familiarity and compliance with Publisher’s standards (as posted on Publisher’s website). Publisher shall have full and sole discretion in determining objectionable content. General categories include material that: (a) directly offends the name, person, or work of God; (b) contradicts or undermines the basic beliefs and/or values of evangelical Christianity; (c) teaches doctrine with no reasonable biblical basis; (d) uses offensive, indecent, or suggestive language; (e) is or may be deemed, illegal or immoral. If such content is found at any stage in the production process, the Publisher shall provide Author with a summary explanation of any objections and the Author will be given the opportunity to modify the content. If the content cannot be modified, or Author refuses to modify it, the Publisher may immediately cancel the project and refund to Author. The author recognizes that Publisher publishes Christian authors and represents themselves as a distinctly evangelical Christian publisher. The author must confirm that they agree with the Statement of Faith displayed on the Publisher's website.

Publisher reserves the right to refuse the use of an identifying imprint and/or distribution if the Author will not allow adequate editing of the manuscript (based on the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style) and/or overall quality of presentation to comply with industry standards, or due to questionable content.

Author Warranties

The author guarantees he/she is the sole owner of the Work and has the full authority and right to enter into this agreement. The author guarantees the Work is original and does not infringe upon any laws or rights, and that the Work is not libelous, plagiarized, a violation of defamation or right-of-privacy laws, or in any other way "illegal.” If there is any material in the Work that is contributable to another person, the Author will consult with Redemption Press about the inclusion of this material. Redemption Press assumes no responsibility for reviewing the editorial content of Work not completed by Redemption Press.

Text Format

Redemption Press reserves the right to determine the manner and style in which the Work will be formatted and typeset, using The Chicago Manual of the Style guide. The author acknowledges that any custom or unusual formatting requests unless otherwise agreed upon, will not be included. Since formatted text for the work is submitted to print (“at press”) only after the Author reviews and approves their file in writing, under no circumstances, shall Redemption Press refund, reimburse or otherwise replace works printed with textual or formatting errors.

Editor's Recommendations and Author's Responsibilities

The Author acknowledges that the Editor's suggestions are made in good faith and are aimed at improving the manuscript's overall quality and readability. However, the final decision to accept or refuse the Editor's recommendations rests solely with the Author. If the Author chooses to refuse the Editor's recommendations, the Author assumes full responsibility for the consequences of such refusal, including any potential impact on the manuscript's quality, marketability, accuracy, or legal compliance

The Author agrees that the Publisher and Editor shall not be held liable for any claims, demands, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the Author's refusal of the Editor's suggestions, including but not limited to claims related to defamation, copyright infringement, or violations of intellectual property rights.

Fair Use Definition

Fair use in the context of manuscript editing services refers to the limited use of copyrighted material within the manuscript, as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Fair use includes but is not limited to, quoting excerpts for review or commentary, providing examples for educational purposes, and transformative use for parody or criticism.


The Author agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher and Editor, its affiliates, employees, agents, and successors from any claims, demands, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to the Author's manuscript, including but not limited to:

Alleged infringement of intellectual property rights.
Defamation, libel, or slander.
Violation of privacy rights.
Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
Any other violation of applicable laws and regulations.

The Author shall promptly notify the Publisher and Editor in writing of any claims or actions against the Author related to the manuscript, and the Author shall assume full responsibility for the defense and settlement of such claims or actions.

I understand the content requirements and my responsibilities as an author for the content including my legal responsibilities.


Redemption Press intends to prepare the Work for on-demand or expanded distribution within ninety (90) days of the date printer-ready files are available to Redemption Press. The author acknowledges the production process may exceed this time period due to circumstances beyond Redemption Press’ control or if the Author makes excessive changes to the manuscript after it has been submitted or typeset. Authors should NOT schedule book signings or other special promotions until they have their printed Work(s) in hand.

Distribution fees are charged to Redemption Press by the distributors and are subject to change. Redemption Press will notify authors of changes 30 days in advance of changes. These fees can include shipping and handling, storage, maintenance fees, and distribution discounts. Authors may change book pricing or take their books out of distribution at any time.

Annual Renewal Fee

All authors shall pay an annual renewal fee for distribution services after the first year where applicable on the anniversary date of the completion of the services. The author will be notified when payment is due and payment options will be discussed at that time. If renewal fees are not paid. Redemption Press reserves the right to deduct unpaid renewal fees or any other unpaid past-due balance from the author’s royalty account. Redemption Press reserves the right to terminate distribution services.

Terms of Author Purchases

The author is not required to purchase copies of the Work but may purchase copies of the Work in any quantity. Orders must be paid for at the time the order is placed. The author may not cancel or otherwise alter an order after it has been placed. Washington state Authors will provide a Washington Reseller Permit. All other Authors are responsible for complying with their state’s tax code.


Redemption Press shall pay Author a royalty for each copy sold, minus the print cost, and returns. For the royalty rate per copy sold please see the table below. The royalty rate for copies sold Net receipts are defined as the total amount of money Redemption Press receives for sales, minus print and handling costs. Handling fees for sales from the Redemption Press online bookstore is either $5.00 or 10%, whichever is more per sale. Authors shall receive no royalties on copies they purchase. 

Returns made by the book resellers will be deducted from the current royalties or billed to the author at the discretion of Redemption Press. Upon a return, the royalty paid out when the book was purchased will need to be paid back, along with the print cost. The author may choose to receive returned books or have them destroyed upon return.

POD Distribution – Print
100% of Net receipts
Ebook Distributor
90% of net receipts
Extended distribution with warehouse print
80% of net receipts
70% - 90% depending on reseller

Royalties are paid monthly if the Author agrees to be paid via ACH bank transfer, otherwise, they will be paid annually in May for the previous calendar year via paper check. Royalties are received 90 days after the sales from the distributors and will be paid the following month (see example below) If Author’s royalties do not exceed $25 in any royalty period, Redemption Press reserves the right to hold such royalties until a minimum $25 royalty payment has been reached.

Redemption Press reserves the right to deduct unpaid renewal fees or any other past-due balance from Author’s royalty account. Royalties are not paid to authors until a W-9 or W-8BEN (available at is submitted to Redemption Press. The author agrees to ensure their Name, Mailing Address, and W-9 / W- 8BEN are current.

Example Royalty Payment Timing:

Book sold by distributors: February 
Redemption Press Receives Net profit from Distributor: May
Redemption Press Pays to Author: June

Audiobook Royalties

We distribute audiobooks to all of the major channels including retail (Audible, Chirp, B&H, Kobo, iTunes,, Google Play, Downpour, LibroFM), Library (Overdrive, Hoopla, Bibliotheca) and emerging services like Scribd and many others. Our distributor also has a growing number of Christian-focused (5-6 so far) sites that it distributes to that our general market competitors are not selling into. Each of these audiobook resellers has different royalty payouts based on their contract with the distributor. Please see the below table for examples of net sales revenue:

Hoopla (libraries pay per checkout)
$0.53 per checkout
Overdrive (libraries purchase option)
$9.45 per sale

I understand ongoing distribution terms and royalties.

Cover Design

Redemption Press will design a cover for Author. The designer will use the Work Summary Questionnaire to design a cover that they feel will best market the Work. Authors with a specific drawing, illustration, or photograph in mind should include it with the manuscript submission. If possible, and if considered effective in marketing the Work, the designer, at their sole discretion, may incorporate the image in the cover. Cover includes limited stock images. Fees will be incurred if the Author chooses additional stock images or cover designs.

Redemption Press will work from Author’s suggestions but does not guarantee it can perform any unusual requests that are outside of normal cover design protocols. The author acknowledges that Redemption Press may charge for original drawings, paintings, staged photographs, or illustrations that are not included in the original proposal. The Author will receive limited rounds of cover changes and may incur fees with multiple rounds.

The author acknowledges that colors viewed on a computer monitor or hard copy printed from a computer printer may not reflect the actual colors on the final printed work. Further, the Author acknowledges that cover color may vary between print runs. Since the cover design for the work is submitted to print (“at press”) only after the Author reviews and gives written indication to publish as is, unless agreed upon, Redemption Press shall not refund, reimburse, or otherwise replace works printed with cover errors or color variance.

Scope Changes to Services Purchased

The author understands that each service purchased has a standard amount of work that is completed. This includes hours and rounds of revisions for editing, design work, project management work, coaching hours, and marketing service hours. The author understands that if hours or revisions go beyond the standard of each service may require additional charges. Redemption Press agrees to notify the author when additional charges may be required. Fees are subject to change.

Word Count for Editing and Design Services

The author agrees to pay for editing services by word count, including changes to the word count throughout the editing process. This can include additional charges incurred at the end of the project if the final word count (at each service level) is more than the contracted word count, and credit for when word counts are lower than the contracted word count. 

Redemption Press Discretion

Redemption Press shall have the discretion to determine the production, format, and appearance of the Work. The format and appearance of the Work may vary between printings. Printing prices and timelines are subject to change. Extended printing times may occur as printing is done offsite by a third party.

The author understands that despite Redemption Press's best efforts, service or item may be mispriced. In that event, Redemption Press will, at its discretion, notify the Author of additional payment needed to fulfill this agreement or terminate this agreement.

The author agrees and understands that Redemption Press will do its best to adhere to publishing timelines, however, due to circumstances beyond our control timelines could be extended. Author agrees and understands that projected timelines have author responsibilities included. Should timelines be delayed, it may prolong the project completion date.

I understand where I may inccur additonal charges and agree to make payment as needed.

Damage or Loss of Materials

Redemption Press shall endeavor to care for and return any hard copy of author-submitted photographs, graphics, or artwork, but is not responsible for any damage or loss. Such materials shall only be returned to the Author if enough postage and packaging material has been supplied by the Author. Any work submitted in electronic form will be discarded once all work has been completed.


The authors are wholly responsible for adhering to Federal and State tax requirements. All Washington state authors must have a current reseller permit on file to receive wholesale pricing. Authors in other states are responsible for meeting the reselling requirements in that state.


All notices to Redemption Press must be sent in writing to P.O. Box 427, Enumclaw, WA 98022 by Certified Mail (United States Postal Service).

Law and Venue

The parties understand this agreement is binding upon their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. The laws of the State of Washington shall govern this agreement, and its courts shall be the venue for any litigation.

3. Required Contact Information

First Name: *
Email Address:*
Business/ Company:
Last Name:*
Phone: *
Mailing Address:
Street Address:*
Zip Code:*

I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract.
I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract.