Marketing Strategy

ABC's of Book Launch


Each book launch coaching service will give the author a strategy to launch their book with success. This service is guided by the marketing team with the author executing the process to achieve the desired outcome. The marketing team will give the author the resources they need to create a launch team and navigate their launch to drive buyers to their book and rank in the bestseller list on Amazon.
Before the launch timeframe the author will be sent a training video at the given time in their publishing process that will explain the Book Launch strategy. The author will also be given the resources needed to organize their launch team.
Once the book is approved for distribution the author will have a discover call with the marketing team. The call is to clarify the individual strategy for the author. 
When a launch date a chosen the marketing team will set up the launch strategy within Amazon. The author will meet with the team to receive final instructions to put the plan in place.
Once the launch process begins the author will have a detailed timeline with the scripts, graphics, and other tools to get the word out about their new book. Everything is in a step-by-step format and easy for the author to follow.
The Amazon marketing strategy uses a proprietary ABC approach to launching the authors book with success.
What to Expect in the ABC Book Launch

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