Redemption Press Blog

Listening to God’s Voice: Decision Making

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All Things Podcast 16 2

On today’s episode, we welcome Jim McConnell & Don Boudreaux:

God intervenes into our lives when we least expect it and in ways, we cannot understand. He turns decisions we aren’t expecting into good news and into possibilities. In this episode, Jim McConnell discusses the joys of adoption and foster parenting, the way a difficult decision led them to their ultimate role as parents. And Don Bourdeaux details his difficult experiences from war and how God led Him out on purpose to be a different kind of warfighter years later, a kingdom soldier.

Key Ideas:

  • Adoption and foster parenting journey
  • Listening to God’s voice
  • Being a born again Christian

Jim McConnell Quotes

“There is a lot of help out there. “

All Things Podcast, Listening to God’s Voice: Decision Making.

“Don’t make decisions based on feeling, base them out of thought and what you think is the right thing to do.”

All Things Podcast, Listening to God’s Voice: Decision Making.

Don Boudreaux Quotes

“When you’re least expecting it, that’s when the enemy hits you. The enemy does not play fair.”

All Things Podcast, Listening to God’s Voice: Decision Making.

“The enemy is going to use tactics to discourage men and women of God from reaching their assignment. Each and everyone of us has an assignment. We have to go after them!”

All Things Podcast, Listening to God’s Voice: Decision Making.

Check out their works:

Jim McConnell:

Screen Shot 2021 05 19 at 8.46.46 AM

The Best place to reach Jim McConnell:

Don Boudreaux

Screen Shot 2021 05 19 at 8.45.35 AM

The Best place to reach Don Bourdeaux: [email protected]


Decision making. Negative experiences. God’s voice. Kingdom soldier. Being a parent. Adopting and foster parenting.

Listen to the Episode

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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