Author and Ministry Book Order Request

To work more efficiently and maintain competitive prices for our authors, we have found it necessary to implement a minimum order quantity of 25 copies.

    NOTE: Washington residents who intend to sell your books, a copy of your resellers permit must be on file with Redemption Press.
  • Please enter each title on a separate line & specify hardcover or softcover.
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  • If requesting multiple books, please list each title followed by the amount on a new line.

    Book Title 1 - 12
    Book Title 2 - 34
    Book Title 3 - 24
  • (PO Boxes are Not Accepted!)
  • Upon submission of your order form, an invoice will be emailed to you within 48 hours. Your book order will be placed only after the invoice is paid. Please note that books cannot be guaranteed to arrive by a specific date. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected]

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