Redemption Press Blog

12: Building Intentional Families & Living a Life of Surrender: Author Insights

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Welcome to this week’s Author Spotlight sponsored by Redemption Press. Each week, we bring to you exclusive author interviews. They’re here to shine a light on their book, share their journeys, and unearth the profound messages within their works. Today’s episode features two authors of two extraordinary, must-read books!

In this episode, we shine the spotlight on two inspiring authors. Anastasia Corbin discusses her book “Becoming an Intentional Family,” which offers practical guidance for building strong, loving family bonds. Cynthia Smith shares the touching story behind “Kyra, A Simple Life of Surrender,” a tribute to missionary Kyra Karr and her unwavering faith. Join us for insightful conversations on intentional parenting and living a life fully surrendered to God.

 Episode Highlights:

 Author Spotlight #1: Becoming an Intentional Family by Anastasia Corbin

 Interview Highlights:

    • Book: Becoming an Intentional Family
    • Overview: Designed to encourage, inspire, and equip Christian parents, Becoming an Intentional Family explores these five areas: family, marriage, parenting, home, and outreach with the goal of building a strong bond so children feel loved and valued.

This book is a valuable guide that will help parents become intentional in successfully raising their children and giving them the gift of time and attention that result in lasting and meaningful memories and strong relationships.

    • For Whom: Primarily written for parents but Grandparents and other family members would benefit from it as well.
    • Where to Buy: Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Author Spotlight #2: Kyra, A Simple Life of Surrender by Cynthia Smith

 Interview Highlights:

    • Book: Kyra, A Simple Life of Surrender
    • Overview: When missionary Kyra Karr was killed in a car accident, Cindy Smith struggled to understand God’s plan. At the same time she marveled over the family’s faith through the tragic loss of the young mother of three who faithfully served with her husband Reid as a missionary in Rome, Italy. Inspired by Kyra’s life and the difference she’d made in her short life, Cindy set out to create a legacy for Kyra’s family and friends and for others who could be encouraged by it.
    • For Whom: This book is a gift for Kyra’s family and friends, as well as though who didn’t know Kyra would be encouraged by a young woman who unreservedly surrendered her life to the Lord, and loved others to Jesus. 
    • Where to Buy: Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Thank you for listening to the Redemption Press Author Spotlight. Join us next week for more conversations with our authors.

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Contact Us: We’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode. Reach out to us at [email protected] with your feedback and questions.

Until next time, remember, your message is our mission!

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