Redemption Press Blog

Bringing God With You Into the Raw & Real Places with Sean Westley King

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Tune into today’s episode with Author Sean W.King. A relatable tale of personal discovery, search for truth and genuine happiness.

Sean. Westley King holds degrees in English and history from Texas Christian University and an MA in Bible studies and ministry from Lubbock Christian University. He is a pastor in Cisco, Texas, but when he isn’t preaching, he’s drawing shots at the family coffee shop with his wife, Kasity, and children, Ilya and Nehemiah. 

Key Ideas:

  • The book, “Under The Sun” is the book I needed when I was a teenager, here’s why
  • Not to be afraid of being alone and in silence
  • The inward journey isn’t east but worth it

Sean Westley King Quotes

“You can’t find happiness under a rock in Montana,” my teacher told me. Until now, it’s the only place I ever really have. 

Sean King

For the first time after a thousand times hearing it—being “in Him” finally makes sense. The words didn’t change, but my ears and my mind have. Let me hear everything else a thousand times until it makes sense! 

Sean King

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Coming to faith, meaning of life, christian authors, search for life meaning, christian miscarriage, Jesus testimony, christian consciousness, christian redemption story, christian growth, gods faithfullness

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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